No-plough crop management methods require adapting tillage and seeding tools to working in plant residues. What to choose between tines and discs?
Minimum Tillage is an umbrella term that includes many different agricultural methods. The common factor is the non-use of the plough. To prepare the plot for seeding, shallow tillage at between 5 and 10cm is carried out. Tillage intensity can vary, cover the whole plot or just along the seeding strip (strip till). It can even be totally eliminated for no-till techniques.
Preparing the land
The first step in crop management is to prepare the seedbed. For spring crops, soil cover has to be destroyed. A pass with the roller following a frosty spell may suffice to destroy frost-hardy species. To destroy other species or following mild weather, roller crimping devitalises the cover crop. It is also possible to use a cutter roller which boosts decomposition by increasing plant laceration, especially during mild winters or when soil cover is poorly developed.

For shallow tillage, a cultivator with tines that works between 5 and 15cm can be used. A cultivator is capable of managing large amounts of residues, creating fine soil on the surface, and reducing clods, for pre-sowing, then seeding. For deeper work, a cultivator with tines and discs can be used to till the soil down to 35cm.

To manage crop residues and cover crops, a stubble cultivator with tines or discs is ideal. Stubble cultivators with tines work the soil deeper on fields that require pseudo-ploughing. Deep cultivation is ideal for pulling up weeds with taproots. However, deep cultivation requires more power. Tines can also get clogged up in large amounts of residues.

Stubble cultivators with discs work faster and shallower at between 3 and 10cm. They are perfect for mechanical weeding. They mix the soil and plant debris, and kill weeds efficiently. Be careful of soil smearing in wet conditions. Stubble cultivators with discs are not recommended on stony plots or when there are a lot of perennials (risk of replants).

Seeding with reduce tillage equipment
To plant your crops, seed drills with tines are reputed for being versatile in all soil and climate conditions as well as ensuring good seedling emergence. They are adapted to mulch sowing and are able to work in wet conditions without the problem of smearing. Soil mixing increases mineralisation, but it also boosts weed emergence. The tines can get clogged up when there are a lot of residues.

Seed drills with discs disturb the soil less which reduces weed emergence. Discs facilitate operations when there are a lot of residues, for example, with no-till methods. Seeding depth is easier to control. These seed drills generally require less traction power. Be careful of soil smearing in wet conditions.