Terminals and ISOBUS Solutions

As a founder member of CCI (Competence Center ISOBUS) since 2009, KUHN helps you to adopt ISOBUS technology quickly and easily. Also a member of the AEF (Agricultural Electronics Foundation) we are dedicated to defining and developing the ISOBUS standard in collaboration with other equipment manufacturers to provide you with the best solutions to maximise profitability.

CCI 1200 Terminal

At the cutting edge of technology, the AEF-certified ISOBUS terminal, offers a multitude of applications as standard.

CCI 800 Terminal

The 8" CCI 800 display is the optimal size to control a large number of machines: control your machines efficiently!

CCI A3 joystick

Revolutionary and easy to use! This is the sensation when using the CCI A3 ISOBUS joystick.

What is ISOBUS? 

ISOBUS is a communication protocol based on the ISO 11783 standard. It is a standard IT language which enables communication between tractors, terminals, farm-management software, and equipment, from the major agricultural machinery manufacturers. It allows machines to be controlled manually or automatically using an in-cab terminal, with any brand of equipment. 

Why was the ISOBUS protocol created? 

Before the ISOBUS standard was created, interoperability between different brands of electronic systems was complicated, and sometimes impossible. Different control terminals were required for different tractor/machine combinations. The ISOBUS system has resolved incompatibility problems in farming by standardising communication between tools, whatever the brand. It has made communication between different certified machines and equipment possible, so you can manage different brands of machines with just one terminal. 

Who created ISOBUS? 

The ISOBUS standard was a joint venture involving leading agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturers. In 2008, the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) was set up to speed up development. This organisation provides additional guidelines for the ISO standard as well as precise ISOBUS functionality definitions. 

Who certifies the ISOBUS standard? 

To validate the compatibility of ISOBUS solutions and equipment, the AEF has implemented a certification system for ISOBUS functionalities. An online database (https://www.aef-isobus-database.org) contains all the certifying tests. It is easy to check whether tractors, machines, terminals, and even farm-management software are compatible, by selecting the equipment concerned. KUHN is a member of the AEF and contributes to developing the ISOBUS standard. 

KUHN and the CCI: 

KUHN is also a founding member of the CCI (Competence Center ISOBUS), set up in 2009 in collaboration with other manufacturers. The purpose of CCI is to develop innovative ISOBUS solutions for equipment control, such as terminals and joysticks, as well as software to automate functions via GPS, to meet the growing needs in Precision Farming and job recording. 

Which KUHN machines are ISOBUS compatible? 

Many KUHN machines come with AEF-certified, ISOBUS technology, as standard: 

  • Seed drills 
  • Front hoppers 
  • Seed drills for min-till and direct seeding 
  • Precision seed drills 
  • Fertiliser spreaders 
  • Mounted and trailed sprayers 
  • Four-rotor rakes 
  • Mounted and trailed mower conditioners 
  • Round and high-density balers 
  • Wrapping combinations 
  • Bale wrappers 
  • Ploughs 

These machines are compatible with ISOBUS terminals found on the market. In addition, KUHN provides fully customised solutions developed for our machines, such as our AEF-certified ISOBUS terminals: 

  • CCI 1200 –12.1” terminal  
  • CCI 800 – 8” terminal 
  • VTI 60 – 5.7” terminal 

KUHN also offers an ISOBUS joystick, the CCI A3, which displays all functions on a touch screen so that you can view and activate functions directly. 

In addition, Precision Farming solutions are available for the CCI 800 and CCI 1200 terminals, such as: 

  1. Section Control: Automated function control, by GPS, at headlands or in field points. 
  2. Guidance assistance: Assistance with precision steering. 
  3. Tramlining by GPS: Precise reference points marked out on the plot. 
  4. Intra-plot application rate modulation: Adapts application rates (fertiliser, seeds, etc.) to variations in the plot. This function is compatible with many different modulation solutions. 
  5. Documentation and job recording: Detailed monitoring of operations carried out on the plot. 
  6. Data exchange between different farm management software via Agrirouter. 

Don’t forget to check out machine specifications to make sure that the different solutions are available for them. 

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