Disc Mowers
Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. KUHN is a pioneer in the field of disc mowers. Renowned globally, the GMD mower offers innovative technology to ensure quality forage and work output.
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Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. KUHN is a pioneer in the field of disc mowers. Renowned globally, the GMD mower offers innovative technology to ensure quality forage and work output.
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Mowing and conditioning are the first and very important steps in the process of making silage. KUHN uses its technology to help you achieve the maximum return on your disc mower conditioner investment. In order to harvest the full nutritional value of your forage, the level of conditioning must be adapted. With a wide choice of conditioning devices, the KUHN range of mower conditioners offers you the optimal solution to reduce drying time and maintain quality forage.
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